Scope The InitialBaselineSubmission message is sent by the initiator of a transaction to the matching application. This message is used to initiate a transaction. Usage The InitialBaselineSubmission message can be sent by a party to register a transaction in the matching application. The message can be submitted with either lodge or push-through instruction. When the push-through instruction is present, the matching application acknowledges the receipt of the message to the sender by sending an Acknowledgement message, stores the submitted information and informs the counterparty about the registration of the transaction by sending a FullPushThroughReport message. With the BaselineReSubmission message the counterparty responds with matching baseline information in order to establish the transaction (baseline). When the lodge instruction is present, the matching application acknowledges the receipt of the message to the sender by sending an Acknowledgement message and stores the submitted information. No matching of the submitted baseline data with other baseline information will take place. For example the submission of an InitialBaselineSubmission message containing a lodge instruction establishes the transaction (baseline) in the matching application. The InitialBaselineSubmission message consists of data which relates to the purchasing agreement covered by the transaction, for example line item details, shipping details.
Message Construction
Every ISO20022 message has at the highest level what we call ‘building blocks’. Because the message is constructed as immutable records, the association is by composition. Below you can see the relationship between the message and its constituent building blocks: For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification
classDiagram direction LR %% InitialBaselineSubmissionV04 recursion level 0 with max 0 InitialBaselineSubmissionV04 *-- "1..1" MessageIdentification1 : SubmissionIdentification InitialBaselineSubmissionV04 *-- "1..1" SimpleIdentificationInformation : SubmitterTransactionReference InitialBaselineSubmissionV04 *-- "1..1" InstructionType1 : Instruction InitialBaselineSubmissionV04 *-- "1..1" Baseline4 : Baseline InitialBaselineSubmissionV04 *-- "0..1" ContactIdentification1 : BuyerContactPerson InitialBaselineSubmissionV04 *-- "0..1" ContactIdentification1 : SellerContactPerson InitialBaselineSubmissionV04 *-- "1..1" IBankContactPerson1Choice : BankContactPerson InitialBaselineSubmissionV04 *-- "0..1" ContactIdentification3 : OtherBankContactPerson
Now, we will zero-in one-by-one on each of these building blocks.
SubmissionIdentification building block
Identifies the submitted information. Identifies a message by a unique identifier and the date and time when the message was created by the sender. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification
classDiagram direction tb %% MessageIdentification1 recursion level 0 with max 1 class MessageIdentification1{ Identification IsoMax35Text CreationDateTime IsoISODateTime }
MessageIdentification1 members
Member name | Description | Data Type / Multiplicity |
Identification | Identification of the message. | IsoMax35Text - Required 1..1 |
CreationDateTime | Date of creation of the message. | IsoISODateTime - Required 1..1 |
SubmitterTransactionReference building block
Reference to the transaction for the requesting financial institution. Information related to an identification, eg, party identification or account identification. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification
classDiagram direction tb %% SimpleIdentificationInformation recursion level 0 with max 1 class SimpleIdentificationInformation{ Identification IsoMax35Text }
SimpleIdentificationInformation members
Member name | Description | Data Type / Multiplicity |
Identification | Name or number assigned by an entity to enable recognition of that entity, eg, account identifier. | IsoMax35Text - Required 1..1 |
Instruction building block
Specifies the instruction requested by the submitter by means of a code. Specifies the type of instruction requested by the submitter by means of a code. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification
classDiagram direction tb %% InstructionType1 recursion level 0 with max 1 class InstructionType1{ Type InstructionType1Code }
InstructionType1 members
Member name | Description | Data Type / Multiplicity |
Type | Specifies whether the baseline has to be pushed to the other party or simply lodged. | InstructionType1Code - Required 1..1 |
Baseline building block
Specifies the commercial details of the underlying transaction. Specifies the commercial details of the underlying transaction. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification
classDiagram direction tb %% Baseline4 recursion level 0 with max 1 class Baseline4{ ServiceCode TradeFinanceService2Code LatestMatchDate IsoISODate IntentToPayExpected IsoYesNoIndicator } Baseline4 *-- "1..1" DocumentIdentification1 : SubmitterBaselineIdentification Baseline4 *-- "1..1" DocumentIdentification7 : PurchaseOrderReference Baseline4 *-- "1..1" PartyIdentification26 : Buyer Baseline4 *-- "1..1" PartyIdentification26 : Seller Baseline4 *-- "1..1" BICIdentification1 : BuyerBank Baseline4 *-- "1..1" BICIdentification1 : SellerBank Baseline4 *-- "0..0" BICIdentification1 : BuyerSideSubmittingBank Baseline4 *-- "0..0" BICIdentification1 : SellerSideSubmittingBank Baseline4 *-- "0..1" PartyIdentification26 : BillTo Baseline4 *-- "0..1" PartyIdentification26 : ShipTo Baseline4 *-- "0..1" PartyIdentification26 : Consignee Baseline4 *-- "1..1" LineItem11 : Goods Baseline4 *-- "1..0" PaymentTerms5 : PaymentTerms Baseline4 *-- "0..1" SettlementTerms3 : SettlementTerms Baseline4 *-- "0..0" PaymentObligation2 : PaymentObligation Baseline4 *-- "1..1" RequiredSubmission2 : CommercialDataSetRequired Baseline4 *-- "0..1" RequiredSubmission2 : TransportDataSetRequired Baseline4 *-- "0..1" RequiredSubmission3 : InsuranceDataSetRequired Baseline4 *-- "0..0" RequiredSubmission4 : CertificateDataSetRequired Baseline4 *-- "0..0" RequiredSubmission5 : OtherCertificateDataSetRequired %% DocumentIdentification1 recursion level 1 with max 1 class DocumentIdentification1{ Identification IsoMax35Text Version IsoNumber } DocumentIdentification1 *-- "1..1" BICIdentification1 : Submitter %% DocumentIdentification7 recursion level 1 with max 1 class DocumentIdentification7{ Identification IsoMax35Text DateOfIssue IsoISODate } %% PartyIdentification26 recursion level 1 with max 1 class PartyIdentification26{ Name IsoMax70Text } PartyIdentification26 *-- "0..1" GenericIdentification4 : ProprietaryIdentification PartyIdentification26 *-- "1..1" PostalAddress5 : PostalAddress %% PartyIdentification26 recursion level 1 with max 1 class PartyIdentification26{ Name IsoMax70Text } PartyIdentification26 *-- "0..1" GenericIdentification4 : ProprietaryIdentification PartyIdentification26 *-- "1..1" PostalAddress5 : PostalAddress %% BICIdentification1 recursion level 1 with max 1 class BICIdentification1{ BIC IsoBICIdentifier } %% BICIdentification1 recursion level 1 with max 1 class BICIdentification1{ BIC IsoBICIdentifier } %% BICIdentification1 recursion level 1 with max 1 class BICIdentification1{ BIC IsoBICIdentifier } %% BICIdentification1 recursion level 1 with max 1 class BICIdentification1{ BIC IsoBICIdentifier } %% PartyIdentification26 recursion level 1 with max 1 class PartyIdentification26{ Name IsoMax70Text } PartyIdentification26 *-- "0..1" GenericIdentification4 : ProprietaryIdentification PartyIdentification26 *-- "1..1" PostalAddress5 : PostalAddress %% PartyIdentification26 recursion level 1 with max 1 class PartyIdentification26{ Name IsoMax70Text } PartyIdentification26 *-- "0..1" GenericIdentification4 : ProprietaryIdentification PartyIdentification26 *-- "1..1" PostalAddress5 : PostalAddress %% PartyIdentification26 recursion level 1 with max 1 class PartyIdentification26{ Name IsoMax70Text } PartyIdentification26 *-- "0..1" GenericIdentification4 : ProprietaryIdentification PartyIdentification26 *-- "1..1" PostalAddress5 : PostalAddress %% LineItem11 recursion level 1 with max 1 class LineItem11{ GoodsDescription IsoMax70Text PartialShipment IsoYesNoIndicator TransShipment IsoYesNoIndicator LineItemsTotalAmount IsoCurrencyAndAmount TotalNetAmount IsoCurrencyAndAmount } LineItem11 *-- "0..1" ShipmentDateRange1 : ShipmentDateRange LineItem11 *-- "1..0" LineItemDetails10 : LineItemDetails LineItem11 *-- "0..1" TransportMeans5 : RoutingSummary LineItem11 *-- "0..1" Incoterms4 : Incoterms LineItem11 *-- "0..0" Adjustment7 : Adjustment LineItem11 *-- "0..1" Charge24 : FreightCharges LineItem11 *-- "0..0" Tax23 : Tax LineItem11 *-- "0..0" UserDefinedInformation1 : BuyerDefinedInformation LineItem11 *-- "0..0" UserDefinedInformation1 : SellerDefinedInformation %% PaymentTerms5 recursion level 1 with max 1 PaymentTerms5 *-- "1..1" IPaymentCodeOrOther2Choice : PaymentTerms PaymentTerms5 *-- "1..1" IAmountOrPercentage2Choice : AmountOrPercentage %% SettlementTerms3 recursion level 1 with max 1 SettlementTerms3 *-- "0..1" IFinancialInstitutionIdentification4Choice : CreditorAgent SettlementTerms3 *-- "1..1" CashAccount24 : CreditorAccount %% PaymentObligation2 recursion level 1 with max 1 class PaymentObligation2{ ExpiryDate IsoISODate ApplicableLaw CountryCode } PaymentObligation2 *-- "1..1" BICIdentification1 : ObligorBank PaymentObligation2 *-- "1..1" BICIdentification1 : RecipientBank PaymentObligation2 *-- "1..1" IAmountOrPercentage2Choice : PaymentObligationAmount PaymentObligation2 *-- "0..0" Charges5 : Charges PaymentObligation2 *-- "0..1" IBPOApplicableRules1Choice : ApplicableRules PaymentObligation2 *-- "0..1" Location2 : PlaceOfJurisdiction PaymentObligation2 *-- "0..0" PaymentTerms4 : PaymentTerms PaymentObligation2 *-- "0..1" SettlementTerms3 : SettlementTerms %% RequiredSubmission2 recursion level 1 with max 1 RequiredSubmission2 *-- "1..0" BICIdentification1 : Submitter %% RequiredSubmission2 recursion level 1 with max 1 RequiredSubmission2 *-- "1..0" BICIdentification1 : Submitter %% RequiredSubmission3 recursion level 1 with max 1 class RequiredSubmission3{ MatchIssueDate IsoYesNoIndicator MatchTransport IsoYesNoIndicator MatchAmount IsoYesNoIndicator ClausesRequired InsuranceClauses1Code MatchAssuredParty AssuredType1Code } RequiredSubmission3 *-- "1..0" BICIdentification1 : Submitter RequiredSubmission3 *-- "0..1" PartyIdentification27 : MatchIssuer %% RequiredSubmission4 recursion level 1 with max 1 class RequiredSubmission4{ CertificateType TradeCertificateType1Code MatchIssueDate IsoYesNoIndicator MatchInspectionDate IsoYesNoIndicator AuthorisedInspectorIndicator IsoYesNoIndicator MatchConsignee IsoYesNoIndicator LineItemIdentification IsoMax70Text } RequiredSubmission4 *-- "1..0" BICIdentification1 : Submitter RequiredSubmission4 *-- "0..1" PartyIdentification27 : MatchIssuer RequiredSubmission4 *-- "0..1" PartyIdentification27 : MatchManufacturer %% RequiredSubmission5 recursion level 1 with max 1 class RequiredSubmission5{ CertificateType TradeCertificateType2Code } RequiredSubmission5 *-- "1..0" BICIdentification1 : Submitter
Baseline4 members
Member name | Description | Data Type / Multiplicity |
SubmitterBaselineIdentification | Identifies the baseline provided by the submitter. | DocumentIdentification1 - Required 1..1 |
ServiceCode | Identifies the service requested by the submitter by means of a code. | TradeFinanceService2Code - Required 1..1 |
PurchaseOrderReference | Reference to the purchase order of the underlying transaction. | DocumentIdentification7 - Required 1..1 |
Buyer | Party that buys goods or services, or a financial instrument. | PartyIdentification26 - Required 1..1 |
Seller | Party that sells goods or services, or a financial instrument. | PartyIdentification26 - Required 1..1 |
BuyerBank | Financial institution of the buyer, uniquely identified by its BIC. | BICIdentification1 - Required 1..1 |
SellerBank | Financial institution of the seller, uniquely identified by its BIC. | BICIdentification1 - Required 1..1 |
BuyerSideSubmittingBank | Financial institution on the buyer’s side, uniquely identified by its BIC. As part of the transaction, it may submit data sets. | BICIdentification1 - Unknown 0..0 |
SellerSideSubmittingBank | Financial institution on the seller’s side, uniquely identified by its BIC. As part of the transaction, it may submit data sets. | BICIdentification1 - Unknown 0..0 |
BillTo | Party to be invoiced for the purchase. | PartyIdentification26 - Optional 0..1 |
ShipTo | Party to whom the goods must be delivered in the end. | PartyIdentification26 - Optional 0..1 |
Consignee | Party to whom the goods must be delivered. | PartyIdentification26 - Optional 0..1 |
Goods | Goods or services that are part of a commercial trade agreement. | LineItem11 - Required 1..1 |
PaymentTerms | Specifies the payment terms by means of a code and a limit in time. | PaymentTerms5 - Unknown 1..0 |
SettlementTerms | Specifies how the underlying transaction should be settled. | SettlementTerms3 - Optional 0..1 |
PaymentObligation | Specifies the details of the payment obligation between financial institutions in this transaction. | PaymentObligation2 - Unknown 0..0 |
LatestMatchDate | Specifies the latest date on which a data set must be matched with a baseline. | IsoISODate - Optional 0..1 |
CommercialDataSetRequired | Specifies that a commercial data set is required for each shipment part of the transaction. | RequiredSubmission2 - Required 1..1 |
TransportDataSetRequired | Specifies that a transport data set is required for each shipment part of the transaction. | RequiredSubmission2 - Optional 0..1 |
InsuranceDataSetRequired | Specifies that an insurance data set is required for each shipment part of the transaction. | RequiredSubmission3 - Optional 0..1 |
CertificateDataSetRequired | Specifies that a certificate data set is required for each shipment part of the transaction. | RequiredSubmission4 - Unknown 0..0 |
OtherCertificateDataSetRequired | Specifies that another type of certificate data set is required for each shipment part of the transaction. | RequiredSubmission5 - Unknown 0..0 |
IntentToPayExpected | Specifies that IntentToPayNotice message(s) are expected as part of this transaction. | IsoYesNoIndicator - Required 1..1 |
BuyerContactPerson building block
Person to be contacted in the organisation of the buyer. Information needed to contact a physical person. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification
classDiagram direction tb %% ContactIdentification1 recursion level 0 with max 1 class ContactIdentification1{ Name IsoMax35Text NamePrefix NamePrefix1Code GivenName IsoMax35Text Role IsoMax35Text PhoneNumber IsoPhoneNumber FaxNumber IsoPhoneNumber EmailAddress IsoMax256Text }
ContactIdentification1 members
Member name | Description | Data Type / Multiplicity |
Name | Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. | IsoMax35Text - Required 1..1 |
NamePrefix | Specifies the terms used to formally address a person. | NamePrefix1Code - Optional 0..1 |
GivenName | First name of a person. | IsoMax35Text - Optional 0..1 |
Role | Role of the party in the activity. | IsoMax35Text - Optional 0..1 |
PhoneNumber | Collection of information that identifies a phone number, as defined by telecom services. | IsoPhoneNumber - Optional 0..1 |
FaxNumber | Collection of information that identifies a FAX number, as defined by telecom services. | IsoPhoneNumber - Optional 0..1 |
EmailAddress | Address for electronic mail (e-mail). | IsoMax256Text - Optional 0..1 |
SellerContactPerson building block
Person to be contacted in the organisation of the seller. Information needed to contact a physical person. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification
classDiagram direction tb %% ContactIdentification1 recursion level 0 with max 1 class ContactIdentification1{ Name IsoMax35Text NamePrefix NamePrefix1Code GivenName IsoMax35Text Role IsoMax35Text PhoneNumber IsoPhoneNumber FaxNumber IsoPhoneNumber EmailAddress IsoMax256Text }
ContactIdentification1 members
Member name | Description | Data Type / Multiplicity |
Name | Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. | IsoMax35Text - Required 1..1 |
NamePrefix | Specifies the terms used to formally address a person. | NamePrefix1Code - Optional 0..1 |
GivenName | First name of a person. | IsoMax35Text - Optional 0..1 |
Role | Role of the party in the activity. | IsoMax35Text - Optional 0..1 |
PhoneNumber | Collection of information that identifies a phone number, as defined by telecom services. | IsoPhoneNumber - Optional 0..1 |
FaxNumber | Collection of information that identifies a FAX number, as defined by telecom services. | IsoPhoneNumber - Optional 0..1 |
EmailAddress | Address for electronic mail (e-mail). | IsoMax256Text - Optional 0..1 |
BankContactPerson building block
Person to be contacted in the seller’s bank or buyer’s bank. Contact person details in a bank. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification
classDiagram direction tb %% IBankContactPerson1Choice recursion level 0 with max 1
BankContactPerson1Choice members
Member name | Description | Data Type / Multiplicity |
OtherBankContactPerson building block
Person to be contacted in another bank than seller or buyer’s bank. Information needed to contact a physical person. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification
classDiagram direction tb %% ContactIdentification3 recursion level 0 with max 1 class ContactIdentification3{ BIC IsoBICIdentifier Name IsoMax35Text NamePrefix NamePrefix1Code GivenName IsoMax35Text Role IsoMax35Text PhoneNumber IsoPhoneNumber FaxNumber IsoPhoneNumber EmailAddress IsoMax256Text }
ContactIdentification3 members
Member name | Description | Data Type / Multiplicity |
BIC | Business Identifier Code to identify the financial institution that the contact person belongs to. | IsoBICIdentifier - Required 1..1 |
Name | Name by which a party is known and which is usually used to identify that party. | IsoMax35Text - Required 1..1 |
NamePrefix | Specifies the terms used to formally address a person. | NamePrefix1Code - Optional 0..1 |
GivenName | First name of a person. | IsoMax35Text - Optional 0..1 |
Role | Role of the party in the activity. | IsoMax35Text - Optional 0..1 |
PhoneNumber | Collection of information that identifies a phone number, as defined by telecom services. | IsoPhoneNumber - Optional 0..1 |
FaxNumber | Collection of information that identifies a FAX number, as defined by telecom services. | IsoPhoneNumber - Optional 0..1 |
EmailAddress | Address for electronic mail (e-mail). | IsoMax256Text - Optional 0..1 |
Extensibility and generalization considerations
To facilitate generalized design patterns in the system, the InitialBaselineSubmissionV04 implementation follows a specific implementaiton pattern. First of all, InitialBaselineSubmissionV04 impleemnts IOuterRecord indicating it is the outermost logical part of the message definition. Like all message wrappers, InitialBaselineSubmissionV04Document implements IOuterDocument. Because InitialBaselineSubmissionV04 implements IOuterDocument, it is a suitable template parameter for IOuterDocument, and causes the internal ‘Message’ to be of type InitialBaselineSubmissionV04.
classDiagram class IOuterRecord InitialBaselineSubmissionV04 --|> IOuterRecord : Implements InitialBaselineSubmissionV04Document --|> IOuterDocument~InitialBaselineSubmissionV04~ : Implements class IOuterDocument~InitialBaselineSubmissionV04~ { InitialBaselineSubmissionV04 Message }
Document wrapper for serialization
The only real purpose InitialBaselineSubmissionV04Document serves is to cause the document to be serialized into the ‘urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:tsmt.019.001.04’ namespace. Therefore, it will probably be the usual practice to build the message and construct this wrapper at the last minute using InitialBaselineSubmissionV04.ToDocument() method. The returned InitialBaselineSubmissionV04Document value will serialize correctly according to ISO 20022 standards.
classDiagram InitialBaselineSubmissionV04Document *-- InitialBaselineSubmissionV04 : Document
Sample of message format
This is an abbreviated version of what the message should look like.
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:tsmt.019.001.04">
<!-- SubmissionIdentification inner content -->
<!-- SubmitterTransactionReference inner content -->
<!-- Instruction inner content -->
<!-- Baseline inner content -->
<!-- BuyerContactPerson inner content -->
<!-- SellerContactPerson inner content -->
<!-- BankContactPerson inner content -->
<!-- OtherBankContactPerson inner content -->
Data from ISO specification
This is the technical data from the specification document.
The InitialBaselineSubmission message is sent by the initiator of a transaction to the matching application.
This message is used to initiate a transaction.
The InitialBaselineSubmission message can be sent by a party to register a transaction in the matching application. The message can be submitted with either lodge or push-through instruction.
When the push-through instruction is present, the matching application acknowledges the receipt of the message to the sender by sending an Acknowledgement message, stores the submitted information and informs the counterparty about the registration of the transaction by sending a FullPushThroughReport message. With the BaselineReSubmission message the counterparty responds with matching baseline information in order to establish the transaction (baseline).
When the lodge instruction is present, the matching application acknowledges the receipt of the message to the sender by sending an Acknowledgement message and stores the submitted information. No matching of the submitted baseline data with other baseline information will take place. For example the submission of an InitialBaselineSubmission message containing a lodge instruction establishes the transaction (baseline) in the matching application.
The InitialBaselineSubmission message consists of data which relates to the purchasing agreement covered by the transaction, for example line item details, shipping details."
messageSet="_wRx2yk2rEeG_I4xRYCA_7g _urpIICeJEeOCeO5e7islRQ"
type="purpose" />
definition="Identifies the submitted information."
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
complexType="_Q7pG5Np-Ed-ak6NoX_4Aeg_-967008570" />
definition="Reference to the transaction for the requesting financial institution."
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
complexType="_P-ile9p-Ed-ak6NoX_4Aeg_745508310" />
definition="Specifies the instruction requested by the submitter by means of a code."
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
complexType="_RJpGoNp-Ed-ak6NoX_4Aeg_-1851556220" />
definition="Specifies the commercial details of the underlying transaction."
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
complexType="_Ym19EdM7EeK-v49t1oWkNA" />
definition="Person to be contacted in the organisation of the buyer."
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
complexType="_QBOtE9p-Ed-ak6NoX_4Aeg_-1391367345" />
definition="Person to be contacted in the organisation of the seller."
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
complexType="_QBOtE9p-Ed-ak6NoX_4Aeg_-1391367345" />
definition="Person to be contacted in the seller's bank or buyer's bank."
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
complexType="_eCkSADAZEeOKib24wnHaFg" />
definition="Person to be contacted in another bank than seller or buyer's bank."
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
complexType="_QDTwsdp-Ed-ak6NoX_4Aeg_-1939165929" />
version="04" />
ISO Building Blocks
The following items are used as building blocks to construct this message.