
The DTCCCAISSD1 message extends ISO corporate action instruction status advice message with DTCC corporate action elements not covered in the standard message.

Message Construction

Every ISO20022 message has at the highest level what we call ‘building blocks’. Because the message is constructed as immutable records, the association is by composition. Below you can see the relationship between the message and its constituent building blocks: For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification

     direction LR
%% DTCCCAISSD1V07 recursion level 0 with max 0
DTCCCAISSD1V07 *-- "0..1" ReorganisationInstructionSD12 : ReorganisationInstructionDetails
DTCCCAISSD1V07 *-- "0..1" DistributionInstructionSD1 : DistributionInstructionDetails

Now, we will zero-in one-by-one on each of these building blocks.

ReorganisationInstructionDetails building block

Information to be extended as supplementary data to instruction status message for reorganisation events. Provides additional information regarding corporate action reorganisation instruction details. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification

   direction tb
%% ReorganisationInstructionSD12 recursion level 0 with max 1
class ReorganisationInstructionSD12{
    PlaceAndName IsoMax350Text
    TransactionIdentification IsoMax15Text
    TransactionIdentificationStatus DTCInstructionStatus2Code
    ProtectTransactionStatus DTCProtectInstructionStatus3Code
    Reason InstructionReason4Code
    CustomerReferenceIdentification IsoMax30Text
    WarrantSubscriptionChargeAmount IsoRestrictedFINActiveCurrencyAndAmount
    UserReferenceNumber IsoMax6Text
    TransactionRecordNumber IsoMax10NumericText
    ShareholderNumber IsoRestrictedFINXMax25Text
ReorganisationInstructionSD12 *-- "0..99" InstructionsTransactionsSequence2 : TransactionSequence
ReorganisationInstructionSD12 *-- "0..1" SecuritiesQuantitySD9 : SecuritiesQuantityDetails
ReorganisationInstructionSD12 *-- "0..1" CorporateActionAcknowledgementSD1 : AcknowledgementDetails
ReorganisationInstructionSD12 *-- "0..1" ContactIdentification5 : ContactPerson
ReorganisationInstructionSD12 *-- "0..1" CorporateActionCertificateSD1 : Certificate
ReorganisationInstructionSD12 *-- "0..1" DeceasedStatusSD1 : DeceasedBeneficialOwnerDetails
ReorganisationInstructionSD12 *-- "0..1" IPriceFormat63Choice : BidPrice
%% InstructionsTransactionsSequence2 recursion level 1 with max 1
class InstructionsTransactionsSequence2{
    TransactionSequenceNumber IsoMax3NumericText
    CustomerReferenceIdentification IsoMax30Text
InstructionsTransactionsSequence2 *-- "0..1" IFinancialInstrumentQuantity31Choice : InstructionQuantity
InstructionsTransactionsSequence2 *-- "0..1" IFinancialInstrumentQuantity31Choice : OversubscriptionQuantity
%% SecuritiesQuantitySD9 recursion level 1 with max 1
SecuritiesQuantitySD9 *-- "0..1" IFinancialInstrumentQuantity31Choice : TotalOversubscriptionQuantity
SecuritiesQuantitySD9 *-- "0..1" IFinancialInstrumentQuantity31Choice : InterimCoveredQuantity
SecuritiesQuantitySD9 *-- "0..1" IFinancialInstrumentQuantity15Choice : ConditionalQuantity
%% CorporateActionAcknowledgementSD1 recursion level 1 with max 1
class CorporateActionAcknowledgementSD1{
    TermsAcknowledgementIndicator IsoYesNoIndicator
    Condition1Indicator IsoYesNoIndicator
    Condition2Indicator IsoYesNoIndicator
    Condition3Indicator IsoYesNoIndicator
    Condition4Indicator IsoYesNoIndicator
    Condition5Indicator IsoYesNoIndicator
    Condition6Indicator IsoYesNoIndicator
    AdjudicationOfIncompetencyAcknowledgementIndicator IsoYesNoIndicator
    LegalDocumentationThirtyMonthsRetentionAcknowledgementIndicator IsoYesNoIndicator
    InstructionDeletionAcknowledgementIndicator IsoYesNoIndicator
    PotentialLossAcknowledgementIndicator IsoYesNoIndicator
%% ContactIdentification5 recursion level 1 with max 1
class ContactIdentification5{
    Name IsoMax35Text
    PhoneNumber IsoPhoneNumber
%% CorporateActionCertificateSD1 recursion level 1 with max 1
class CorporateActionCertificateSD1{
    CertificateNumber IsoMax15AlphaNumericText
    CertificateSequenceNumber IsoMax15AlphaNumericText
    CertificateRegistrationName IsoMax30Text
%% DeceasedStatusSD1 recursion level 1 with max 1
class DeceasedStatusSD1{
    BeneficialOwnerName IsoMax35Text
    DeathDate IsoISODate
    DeathCertificateSerialNumber IsoMax30Text
    IssuingJurisdiction IsoMax35Text
%% IPriceFormat63Choice recursion level 1 with max 1

ReorganisationInstructionSD12 members

Member name Description Data Type / Multiplicity
PlaceAndName Xpath to the element that is being extended. IsoMax350Text - Optional 0..1
TransactionIdentification Unique number assigned by the depository. Transaction identification will be either the DTC instruction reference number for reorganisation instructions (VOI) or the DAM reference number for custody/reorganisation deposits. IsoMax15Text - Optional 0..1
TransactionSequence Enable input of multiple voluntary instructions for rights or voluntary puts events via a single instruction message through using transaction sequence number. InstructionsTransactionsSequence2 - Collection 0..99
TransactionIdentificationStatus Status of the instruction. DTCInstructionStatus2Code - Optional 0..1
ProtectTransactionStatus Status of the protect instruction. DTCProtectInstructionStatus3Code - Optional 0..1
Reason Reason for which an inbound instruction message or a cancellation instruction message is pending or rejected. InstructionReason4Code - Collection 0..6
SecuritiesQuantityDetails Provides further information about securities quantity linked to a corporate action option. SecuritiesQuantitySD9 - Optional 0..1
CustomerReferenceIdentification Customer identification entered by the client upon instruction submission. IsoMax30Text - Optional 0..1
AcknowledgementDetails Acknowledgement information relative to corporate action reorganisation instructions. CorporateActionAcknowledgementSD1 - Optional 0..1
ContactPerson Party contact information for the given instruction; required for a voluntary offer instruction transaction (VOIT), protect transaction (PROT) and protect on behalf of another participant transaction (PROP); not required for cover protect instructions like a cover protect transaction (COVR), cover protect directly to agent transaction (COVA) and cover protect on behalf of another participant transaction (COVP). ContactIdentification5 - Optional 0..1
WarrantSubscriptionChargeAmount Warrant subscription amount entered by client when instructing on a warrant exercise instruction. IsoRestrictedFINActiveCurrencyAndAmount - Optional 0..1
Certificate Certificate information for a given instruction. CorporateActionCertificateSD1 - Optional 0..1
UserReferenceNumber Unique identification of the transaction used by the transmitting party. IsoMax6Text - Optional 0..1
DeceasedBeneficialOwnerDetails Beneficial owner information related to CD early redemption instructions. DeceasedStatusSD1 - Optional 0..1
TransactionRecordNumber Transaction record number for ATAM or ART system which may be causing pending status. Corresponds to ATP RBN number. IsoMax10NumericText - Optional 0..1
BidPrice Bid price of the instruction. IPriceFormat63Choice - Optional 0..1
ShareholderNumber Reference number assigned to identify an investor or a shareholder with the issuer or the registration provider (for instance allocation code). IsoRestrictedFINXMax25Text - Optional 0..1

DistributionInstructionDetails building block

Information to be extended as supplementary data to instruction status message for distribution events. Provides additional information regarding corporate action distribution instruction details. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification

   direction tb
%% DistributionInstructionSD1 recursion level 0 with max 1
DistributionInstructionSD1 *-- "0..99" TaxCategory2 : TaxCategory
%% TaxCategory2 recursion level 1 with max 1
class TaxCategory2{
    PlaceAndName IsoMax350Text
    Identification IsoMax2NumericText
    Country CountryCode
TaxCategory2 *-- "0..1" IFinancialInstrumentQuantity15Choice : Quantity

DistributionInstructionSD1 members

Member name Description Data Type / Multiplicity
TaxCategory Tax category number assigned on the announcement to provide a breakdown at a category level on the inbound instruction to determine tax treatment as required by issuers, their agents, or tax authorities. TaxCategory2 - Collection 0..99

Extensibility and generalization considerations

To facilitate generalized design patterns in the system, the DTCCCAISSD1V07 implementation follows a specific implementaiton pattern. First of all, DTCCCAISSD1V07 impleemnts IOuterRecord indicating it is the outermost logical part of the message definition. Like all message wrappers, DTCCCAISSD1V07Document implements IOuterDocument. Because DTCCCAISSD1V07 implements IOuterDocument, it is a suitable template parameter for IOuterDocument, and causes the internal ‘Message’ to be of type DTCCCAISSD1V07.

    class IOuterRecord
    DTCCCAISSD1V07 --|> IOuterRecord : Implements
    DTCCCAISSD1V07Document --|> IOuterDocument~DTCCCAISSD1V07~ : Implements
    class IOuterDocument~DTCCCAISSD1V07~ {
        DTCCCAISSD1V07 Message

Document wrapper for serialization

The only real purpose DTCCCAISSD1V07Document serves is to cause the document to be serialized into the ‘urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:supl.030.001.07’ namespace. Therefore, it will probably be the usual practice to build the message and construct this wrapper at the last minute using DTCCCAISSD1V07.ToDocument() method. The returned DTCCCAISSD1V07Document value will serialize correctly according to ISO 20022 standards.

    DTCCCAISSD1V07Document *-- DTCCCAISSD1V07 : Document

Sample of message format

This is an abbreviated version of what the message should look like.

<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:supl.030.001.07">
            <!-- ReorganisationInstructionDetails inner content -->
            <!-- DistributionInstructionDetails inner content -->

Data from ISO specification

This is the technical data from the specification document.

  definition="The DTCCCAISSD1 message extends ISO corporate action instruction status advice message with DTCC corporate action elements not covered in the standard message."
    definition="Information to be extended as supplementary data to instruction status message for reorganisation events."
    registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
    complexType="_oFasoTDtEey2N-DB7H7A5A" />
    definition="Information to be extended as supplementary data to instruction status message for distribution events."
    registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
    complexType="_N_uCcFB8Ee2KGNXAcFL5RA" />
    version="07" />

ISO Building Blocks

The following items are used as building blocks to construct this message.