Scope|This message is sent by an issuer (or its agent) to the CSD to request the cancellation of a previously sent corporate action deactivation instruction.
Attribute | Value |
Abbreviation for this business area | seev |
Registration Status | Registered |
This is the technical data from the specification document.
name="Securities Events - Latest version - subset / variant"
definition="Messages that support asset servicing, including proxy voting, income and corporate actions."
xmlns:p1="" />
Scope|This message is sent by an issuer (or its agent) to the CSD to request the cancellation of a previously sent corporate action deactivation instruction.
Scope|This message is sent by an issuer (or its agent) to the CSD to instruct the deactivation of a corporate action event or to deactivate one or more specific options of the corporate action.
Scope|This message is sent by a CSD to an issuer (or its agent) to report the status, or a change in status, of a corporate action deactivation instruction or the status of a deactivation cancellation request.
Scope|This message is sent by a CSD to an issuer (or its agent) to provide distribution breakdown information for the proceeds that are to be delivered outside the CSD (e.
Scope|This message is sent by a CSD to the issuer (or its agent) to provide information about the clients’ election instruction, the registration details, the delivery details, etc.
Scope|This message is sent by a CSD to the issuer (or its agent) to request the authorisation of an amendment of a previously sent Agent Corporate Action Election Advice message.
Scope|This message is sent by a CSD to the issuer (or its agent) to request the cancellation of a previously sent Agent Corporate Action Election Advice message.
Scope|This message is sent by an issuer (or its agent) to the CSD to report the status, or a change in status, of:|- a corporate action election advice;|- an election cancellation request; or|- an election amendment request.
Scope|This message is sent by a CSD to an issuer (or its agent) to request the authorisation to process the entitlement movements (cash and/or securities) calculated by the CSD for a given corporate action entire event, a given corporate action option and optionally a given resource.
Scope|This message is sent by an issuer (or its agent) to the CSD to authorise/prohibit the CSD to process the entitlement movements.
Scope|This message is sent by a CSD to an issuer (or its agent) to provide information about the certification and/or the delivery details to the issuer (or its agent).
Scope|This message is sent by an issuer (or its agent) to a CSD to report the status, or change in status, of an information advice.
Scope|This message is sent by an issuer (or its agent) to a CSD to request the cancellation of (a) movement(s) previously sent via an Agent Corporate Action Movement Instruction.
Scope|This message is sent by a CSD to an issuer (or its agent) to confirm the settlement of resource movements.
Scope|This message is sent by an issuer (or its agent) to a CSD to order:|- the global or individual debit of exercised resources (cash and/or securities), per event and optionally per option and per resource for all or individual CSD client’s accounts;|- and/or the individual credits of the outturn resources per event and optionally per option and per resource for a given CSD client’s account.
Scope|This message is sent by a CSD to an issuer (or its agent) to report the status, or a change in status, of|- a global distribution status advice released by an issuer (or its agent);|- a movement instruction released by an issuer (or its agent);|- a movement cancellation request sent by the issuer (or its agent); and|- the non-settlement of the movements at the CSD.
Scope|This message is sent by an issuer (or its agent) to a CSD to:|- Provide a CSD with the details of a corporate action along with the possible options available to the clients of that CSD; and|- to update a corporate action notification.
Scope|This message is sent by an issuer (or its agent) to a CSD to request the cancellation of a notification advice message.
Scope|This message is sent by a CSD to an issuer (or its agent) to report the status, or change in status, of a notification advice or notification cancellation request.
Scope|This message is sent by a CSD to the issuer agent to request the cancellation of a previously sent Agent Corporate Action Standing Instruction.
Scope|This message is sent by a CSD to the issuer (or its agent) to provide the issuer (or its agent) with the CSD’s client details for the distribution of the proceeds of a corporate action event:|- Gross or net payments.
Scope|This message is sent by an issuer (or its agent) to the CSD to report the status, or a change in status, of a standing instruction request or the status of a standing instruction cancellation request.
Scope|The CorporateActionCancellationAdvice message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent to cancel a previously announced corporate action event in case of error from the account servicer or in case of withdrawal by the issuer.
Scope|The CorporateActionCancellationAdvice message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent to cancel a previously announced corporate action event in case of error from the account servicer or in case of withdrawal by the issuer.
Scope|An account servicer sends the CorporateActionEventProcessingStatusAdvice message to an account owner or its designated agent to report processing status of a corporate action event.
Scope|An account servicer sends the CorporateActionEventProcessingStatusAdvice message to an account owner or its designated agent to report processing status of a corporate action event.
Scope|The CorporateActionInstruction message is sent by an account owner to an account servicer to instruct election on a corporate action event.
Scope|The CorporateActionInstructionCancellationRequest message is sent by an account owner to an account servicer to request cancellation of a previously sent corporate action election instruction.
Scope|The CorporateActionInstructionCancellationRequestStatusAdvice message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent to report the status of a previously received CorporateActionInstructionCancellationRequest message sent by the account owner.
Scope|The CorporateActionInstructionCancellationRequestStatusAdvice message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent to report the status of a previously received CorporateActionInstructionCancellationRequest message sent by the account owner.
Scope|The CorporateActionInstructionCancellationRequest message is sent by an account owner to an account servicer to request cancellation of a previously sent corporate action election instruction.
Scope|The CorporateActionInstructionStatementReport message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent to report balances at the safekeeping account level for one or more corporate action events or at the corporate action event level for one or more safekeeping accounts.
Scope|The CorporateActionInstructionStatementReport message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent to report balances at the safekeeping account level for one or more corporate action events or at the corporate action event level for one or more safekeeping accounts.
Scope|The CorporateActionInstructionStatusAdvice message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent, to report the status of a received corporate action election instruction.
Scope|The CorporateActionInstructionStatusAdvice message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent, to report the status of a received corporate action election instruction.
Scope|The CorporateActionInstruction message is sent by an account owner to an account servicer to instruct election on a corporate action event.
Scope|The CorporateActionMovementConfirmation message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent to confirm the posting of securities or cash as a result of a corporate action event.
Scope|The CorporateActionMovementConfirmation message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent to confirm the posting of securities or cash as a result of a corporate action event.
Scope|The CorporateActionMovementPreliminaryAdvice message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent:|- to advise about the final eligible balance and entitlements and,|- to pre-advise an upcoming posting or reversal of securities and/or cash postings.
Scope|The CorporateActionMovementPreliminaryAdviceCancellationAdvice message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent to cancel a previously announced CorporateActionMovementPreliminaryAdvice.
Scope|The CorporateActionMovementPreliminaryAdviceCancellationAdvice message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent to cancel a previously announced CorporateActionMovementPreliminaryAdvice.
Scope|The CorporateActionMovementPreliminaryAdvice message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent:|- to advise about the final eligible balance and entitlements and,|- to pre-advise an upcoming posting or reversal of securities and/or cash postings.
Scope|The CorporateActionMovementReversalAdvice message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent to reverse a previously confirmed posting of securities or cash.
Scope|The CorporateActionMovementReversalAdvice message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent to reverse a previously confirmed posting of securities or cash.
Scope|The CorporateActionNarrative message is sent between an account servicer and an account owner or its designated agent to cater for such processes that cannot be handled using messages such as the CorporateActionNotification.
Scope|The CorporateActionNarrative message is sent between an account servicer and an account owner or its designated agent to cater for such processes that cannot be handled using messages such as the CorporateActionNotification.
Scope|The CorporateActionNotification message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent to notify details of a corporate action event and optionally account information and preliminary information about eligible balance and entitlements.
Scope|The CorporateActionNotification message is sent by an account servicer to an account owner or its designated agent to notify details of a corporate action event and optionally account information and preliminary information about eligible balance and entitlements.
Scope and Usage|The MarketClaimCancellationRequestStatusAdvice message is sent by an account servicer to an account holder to provide the status of a market claim transaction cancellation request.
Scope and Usage|The MarketClaimCancellationRequest message is sent by the account holder to the account servicer.
Scope and Usage|The MarketClaimCreation message is sent by an account servicer to an account holder to advise of the creation of a market claim transaction on a securities account, for example by a CSD that has automatically generated market claims on a mandatory distribution type of corporate action event.
Scope and Usage|The MarketClaimStatusAdvice message is sent by an account servicer to an account holder to provide the status of a market claim transaction.
Scope|The MeetingCancellation message is sent by the party that sent the MeetingNotification message to the original receiver.
Scope|The MeetingEntitlementNotification is sent by an account servicer to the account owner to advise the entitlement in relation to a meeting.
Scope|The MeetingInstructionCancellationRequest message is sent by the same party that sent the|MeetingInstruction message.
Scope|The MeetingInstructionStatus message is sent by an intermediary to the sender of an instruction to confirm the status of such an instruction.
Scope|The MeetingInstruction message is sent by a party holding the right to vote to an intermediary, the issuer or its agent to request the receiving party to act upon one or several instructions.
Scope|The MeetingNotification message is sent by a notifying party, for example, an issuer, its agent or an intermediary to another intermediary, a party holding the right to vote, a registered security holder or to a beneficial holder to announce a meeting.
Scope|The MeetingResultDissemination message is sent by an issuer, its agent or an intermediary to another intermediary, a party holding the right to vote, a registered security holder or to a beneficial holder to provide information on the voting results of a shareholders meeting.
Scope|The MeetingVoteExecutionConfirmation message is sent by an issuer, its agent or an intermediary to another intermediary, a party holding the right to vote, a registered security holder or to a beneficial holder to confirm, to the Sender of the MeetingInstruction message, that their vote has been recorded and counted by the Issuer.
The ShareholdersIdentificationDisclosureResponseCancellationAdvice message is sent by any intermediaries to the recipient designated by the issuer (such as an issuer’s agent) in the disclosure request message in order to cancel the shareholder identification disclosure response whether previously sent in a single message or in a set of multipart/paginated response messages.
The ShareholdersIdentificationDisclosureResponseStatusAdvice message is sent by an issuer or by a third party nominated by the issuer (such as an issuer’s agent) to the intermediary in a custody chain in response to a ShareholderIdentificationDisclosureResponse message or in response to a multipart response report (sent with pagination in multiple messages) in order to report about the acceptance status of the received ShareholderIdentificationDisclosureResponse message/report.
The ShareholdersIdentificationDisclosureCancellationAdvice message is sent by an issuer or by a third party nominated by the issuer (such as an issuer’s agent) to the first intermediaries in a custody chain or is sent by any intermediaries in a custody chain to the next intermediary down the chain of intermediaries (towards the investor side of the chain) in order to withdraw/cancel the disclosure request of shareholders identity previously sent.
The ShareholdersIdentificationDisclosureRequest message is sent by an issuer or by a third party nominated by the issuer (such as an issuer’s agent) to the first intermediaries in a custody chain or is sent by any intermediaries in a custody chain to the next intermediary down the chain of intermediaries (towards the investor side of the chain) in order to request the disclosure of shareholders identity and provides information on the receiving party to whom responses must be sent, on the financial instrument concerned and on the deadline to respond.
The ShareholdersIdentificationDisclosureResponse message is sent in response to a shareholder identification disclosure request message by any intermediaries to the recipient designated by the issuer (such as an issuer’s agent) in the disclosure request message in order to provide the requested information on the identity of the shareholders and their accounts holdings serviced by the intermediary for the requested financial instrument.