
Party that makes a market in one or more specific instruments. May frequently adjust or revise the published quote depending on market conditions but may be prohibited from withdrawing it. Will often function within an organized market, eg, a stock exchange, in which case it’s quotes and trades are made within the context of the market’s rules and membership criteria. To make a market in an instrument, a party must extend a continuous offer to buy or sell financial instruments with any qualified counterparty at a price quote published by the party, without respect to the identity of the qualified counterparty.

Data from ISO specification

This is the technical data from the specification document.

  definition="Party that makes a market in one or more specific instruments. May frequently adjust or revise the published quote depending on market conditions but may be prohibited from withdrawing it. Will often function within an organized market, eg, a stock exchange, in which case it's quotes and trades are made within the context of the market's rules and membership criteria.&#xD;&#xA;To make a market in an instrument, a party must extend a continuous offer to buy or sell financial instruments with any qualified counterparty at a price quote published by the party, without respect to the identity of the qualified counterparty."
  xmlns:xmi="" />