Scope The FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer message is sent by a debtor financial institution to a creditor financial institution, directly or through other agents and/or a payment clearing and settlement system. It is used to move funds from a debtor account to a creditor, where both debtor and creditor are financial institutions. Usage The FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer message is exchanged between agents and can contain one or more credit transfer instructions where debtor and creditor are both financial institutions. The FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer message does not allow for grouping: a CreditTransferTransactionInformation block must be present for each credit transfer transaction. The FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer message can be used in domestic and cross-border scenarios.
Message Construction
Every ISO20022 message has at the highest level what we call ‘building blocks’. Because the message is constructed as immutable records, the association is by composition. Below you can see the relationship between the message and its constituent building blocks: For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification
classDiagram direction LR %% FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01 recursion level 0 with max 0 FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01 *-- "1..1" GroupHeader4 : GroupHeader FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01 *-- "1..1" CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 : CreditTransferTransactionInformation
Now, we will zero-in one-by-one on each of these building blocks.
GroupHeader building block
Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message. Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification
classDiagram direction tb %% GroupHeader4 recursion level 0 with max 1 class GroupHeader4{ MessageIdentification IsoMax35Text CreationDateTime IsoISODateTime BatchBooking IsoBatchBookingIndicator NumberOfTransactions IsoMax15NumericText ControlSum IsoDecimalNumber TotalInterbankSettlementAmount IsoCurrencyAndAmount InterbankSettlementDate IsoISODate } GroupHeader4 *-- "1..1" SettlementInformation1 : SettlementInformation GroupHeader4 *-- "0..1" PaymentTypeInformation5 : PaymentTypeInformation GroupHeader4 *-- "0..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : InstructingAgent GroupHeader4 *-- "0..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : InstructedAgent %% SettlementInformation1 recursion level 1 with max 1 class SettlementInformation1{ SettlementMethod SettlementMethod1Code } SettlementInformation1 *-- "0..1" CashAccount7 : SettlementAccount SettlementInformation1 *-- "0..1" IClearingSystemIdentification1Choice : ClearingSystem SettlementInformation1 *-- "0..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : InstructingReimbursementAgent SettlementInformation1 *-- "0..1" CashAccount7 : InstructingReimbursementAgentAccount SettlementInformation1 *-- "0..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : InstructedReimbursementAgent SettlementInformation1 *-- "0..1" CashAccount7 : InstructedReimbursementAgentAccount SettlementInformation1 *-- "0..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : ThirdReimbursementAgent SettlementInformation1 *-- "0..1" CashAccount7 : ThirdReimbursementAgentAccount %% PaymentTypeInformation5 recursion level 1 with max 1 class PaymentTypeInformation5{ InstructionPriority Priority2Code ClearingChannel ClearingChannel2Code } PaymentTypeInformation5 *-- "0..1" IRestrictedProprietaryChoice : ServiceLevel PaymentTypeInformation5 *-- "0..1" IRestrictedProprietaryChoice : LocalInstrument %% BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 recursion level 1 with max 1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "1..1" IFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Choice : FinancialInstitutionIdentification BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "0..1" BranchData : BranchIdentification %% BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 recursion level 1 with max 1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "1..1" IFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Choice : FinancialInstitutionIdentification BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "0..1" BranchData : BranchIdentification
GroupHeader4 members
Member name | Description | Data Type / Multiplicity |
MessageIdentification | Point to point reference assigned by the instructing party and sent to the next party in the chain to unambiguously identify the message. | |
CreationDateTime | Date and time at which a (group of) payment instruction(s) was created by the instructing party. | IsoISODateTime - Required 1..1 |
BatchBooking | Identifies whether a single entry per individual transaction or a batch entry for the sum of the amounts of all transactions in the message is requested. | IsoBatchBookingIndicator - Optional 0..1 |
NumberOfTransactions | Number of individual transactions contained in the message. | IsoMax15NumericText - Required 1..1 |
ControlSum | Total of all individual amounts included in the message, irrespective of currencies. | IsoDecimalNumber - Optional 0..1 |
TotalInterbankSettlementAmount | Total amount of money transferred between instructing agent and instructed agent. | IsoCurrencyAndAmount - Optional 0..1 |
InterbankSettlementDate | Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due. | IsoISODate - Optional 0..1 |
SettlementInformation | Specifies the details on how the settlement of the transaction(s) between the instructing agent and the instructed agent is completed. | SettlementInformation1 - Required 1..1 |
PaymentTypeInformation | Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction. | PaymentTypeInformation5 - Optional 0..1 |
InstructingAgent | Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s). | BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 - Optional 0..1 |
InstructedAgent | Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s). | BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 - Optional 0..1 |
CreditTransferTransactionInformation building block
Set of elements providing information specific to the individual credit transfer(s). Set of elements providing information specific to the individual transaction(s) included in the message. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification
classDiagram direction tb %% CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 recursion level 0 with max 1 class CreditTransferTransactionInformation3{ InterbankSettlementAmount IsoCurrencyAndAmount InterbankSettlementDate IsoISODate } CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "1..1" PaymentIdentification2 : PaymentIdentification CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" PaymentTypeInformation5 : PaymentTypeInformation CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" SettlementDateTimeIndication1 : SettlementTimeIndication CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" SettlementTimeRequest1 : SettlementTimeRequest CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : PreviousInstructingAgent CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" CashAccount7 : PreviousInstructingAgentAccount CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : InstructingAgent CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : InstructedAgent CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : IntermediaryAgent1 CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" CashAccount7 : IntermediaryAgent1Account CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : IntermediaryAgent2 CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" CashAccount7 : IntermediaryAgent2Account CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : IntermediaryAgent3 CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" CashAccount7 : IntermediaryAgent3Account CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : UltimateDebtor CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "1..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : Debtor CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" CashAccount7 : DebtorAccount CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : DebtorAgent CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" CashAccount7 : DebtorAgentAccount CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : CreditorAgent CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" CashAccount7 : CreditorAgentAccount CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "1..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : Creditor CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" CashAccount7 : CreditorAccount CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 : UltimateCreditor CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..0" InstructionForCreditorAgent2 : InstructionForCreditorAgent CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..0" InstructionForNextAgent1 : InstructionForNextAgent CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 *-- "0..1" RemittanceInformation2 : RemittanceInformation %% PaymentIdentification2 recursion level 1 with max 1 class PaymentIdentification2{ InstructionIdentification IsoMax35Text EndToEndIdentification IsoMax35Text TransactionIdentification IsoMax35Text } %% PaymentTypeInformation5 recursion level 1 with max 1 class PaymentTypeInformation5{ InstructionPriority Priority2Code ClearingChannel ClearingChannel2Code } PaymentTypeInformation5 *-- "0..1" IRestrictedProprietaryChoice : ServiceLevel PaymentTypeInformation5 *-- "0..1" IRestrictedProprietaryChoice : LocalInstrument %% SettlementDateTimeIndication1 recursion level 1 with max 1 class SettlementDateTimeIndication1{ DebitDateTime IsoISODateTime CreditDateTime IsoISODateTime } %% SettlementTimeRequest1 recursion level 1 with max 1 class SettlementTimeRequest1{ CLSTime IsoISOTime } %% BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 recursion level 1 with max 1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "1..1" IFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Choice : FinancialInstitutionIdentification BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "0..1" BranchData : BranchIdentification %% CashAccount7 recursion level 1 with max 1 class CashAccount7{ Currency CurrencyCode Name IsoMax70Text } CashAccount7 *-- "1..1" IAccountIdentification3Choice : Identification CashAccount7 *-- "0..1" CashAccountType2 : Type %% BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 recursion level 1 with max 1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "1..1" IFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Choice : FinancialInstitutionIdentification BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "0..1" BranchData : BranchIdentification %% BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 recursion level 1 with max 1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "1..1" IFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Choice : FinancialInstitutionIdentification BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "0..1" BranchData : BranchIdentification %% BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 recursion level 1 with max 1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "1..1" IFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Choice : FinancialInstitutionIdentification BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "0..1" BranchData : BranchIdentification %% CashAccount7 recursion level 1 with max 1 class CashAccount7{ Currency CurrencyCode Name IsoMax70Text } CashAccount7 *-- "1..1" IAccountIdentification3Choice : Identification CashAccount7 *-- "0..1" CashAccountType2 : Type %% BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 recursion level 1 with max 1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "1..1" IFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Choice : FinancialInstitutionIdentification BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "0..1" BranchData : BranchIdentification %% CashAccount7 recursion level 1 with max 1 class CashAccount7{ Currency CurrencyCode Name IsoMax70Text } CashAccount7 *-- "1..1" IAccountIdentification3Choice : Identification CashAccount7 *-- "0..1" CashAccountType2 : Type %% BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 recursion level 1 with max 1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "1..1" IFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Choice : FinancialInstitutionIdentification BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "0..1" BranchData : BranchIdentification %% CashAccount7 recursion level 1 with max 1 class CashAccount7{ Currency CurrencyCode Name IsoMax70Text } CashAccount7 *-- "1..1" IAccountIdentification3Choice : Identification CashAccount7 *-- "0..1" CashAccountType2 : Type %% BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 recursion level 1 with max 1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "1..1" IFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Choice : FinancialInstitutionIdentification BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "0..1" BranchData : BranchIdentification %% BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 recursion level 1 with max 1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "1..1" IFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Choice : FinancialInstitutionIdentification BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "0..1" BranchData : BranchIdentification %% CashAccount7 recursion level 1 with max 1 class CashAccount7{ Currency CurrencyCode Name IsoMax70Text } CashAccount7 *-- "1..1" IAccountIdentification3Choice : Identification CashAccount7 *-- "0..1" CashAccountType2 : Type %% BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 recursion level 1 with max 1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "1..1" IFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Choice : FinancialInstitutionIdentification BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "0..1" BranchData : BranchIdentification %% CashAccount7 recursion level 1 with max 1 class CashAccount7{ Currency CurrencyCode Name IsoMax70Text } CashAccount7 *-- "1..1" IAccountIdentification3Choice : Identification CashAccount7 *-- "0..1" CashAccountType2 : Type %% BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 recursion level 1 with max 1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "1..1" IFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Choice : FinancialInstitutionIdentification BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "0..1" BranchData : BranchIdentification %% CashAccount7 recursion level 1 with max 1 class CashAccount7{ Currency CurrencyCode Name IsoMax70Text } CashAccount7 *-- "1..1" IAccountIdentification3Choice : Identification CashAccount7 *-- "0..1" CashAccountType2 : Type %% BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 recursion level 1 with max 1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "1..1" IFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Choice : FinancialInstitutionIdentification BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "0..1" BranchData : BranchIdentification %% CashAccount7 recursion level 1 with max 1 class CashAccount7{ Currency CurrencyCode Name IsoMax70Text } CashAccount7 *-- "1..1" IAccountIdentification3Choice : Identification CashAccount7 *-- "0..1" CashAccountType2 : Type %% BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 recursion level 1 with max 1 BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "1..1" IFinancialInstitutionIdentification5Choice : FinancialInstitutionIdentification BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 *-- "0..1" BranchData : BranchIdentification %% InstructionForCreditorAgent2 recursion level 1 with max 1 class InstructionForCreditorAgent2{ Code Instruction5Code InstructionInformation IsoMax140Text } %% InstructionForNextAgent1 recursion level 1 with max 1 class InstructionForNextAgent1{ Code Instruction4Code InstructionInformation IsoMax140Text } %% RemittanceInformation2 recursion level 1 with max 1 class RemittanceInformation2{ Unstructured IsoMax140Text }
CreditTransferTransactionInformation3 members
Member name | Description | Data Type / Multiplicity |
PaymentIdentification | Set of elements to reference a payment instruction. | PaymentIdentification2 - Required 1..1 |
PaymentTypeInformation | Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction. | PaymentTypeInformation5 - Optional 0..1 |
InterbankSettlementAmount | Amount of money moved between the instructing agent and the instructed agent. | IsoCurrencyAndAmount - Required 1..1 |
InterbankSettlementDate | Date on which the amount of money ceases to be available to the agent that owes it and when the amount of money becomes available to the agent to which it is due. | IsoISODate - Optional 0..1 |
SettlementTimeIndication | Provides information on the occurred settlement time(s) of the payment transaction. | SettlementDateTimeIndication1 - Optional 0..1 |
SettlementTimeRequest | Provides information on the requested settlement time of the payment instruction. | SettlementTimeRequest1 - Optional 0..1 |
PreviousInstructingAgent | Agent immediately prior to the instructing agent. | BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 - Optional 0..1 |
PreviousInstructingAgentAccount | Unambiguous identification of the account of the previous instructing agent at its servicing agent in the payment chain. | CashAccount7 - Optional 0..1 |
InstructingAgent | Agent that instructs the next party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s). | BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 - Optional 0..1 |
InstructedAgent | Agent that is instructed by the previous party in the chain to carry out the (set of) instruction(s). | BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 - Optional 0..1 |
IntermediaryAgent1 | Agent between the debtor agent and creditor agent. | |
IntermediaryAgent1Account | Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 1 at its servicing agent in the payment chain. | CashAccount7 - Optional 0..1 |
IntermediaryAgent2 | Agent between the debtor agent and creditor agent. | |
IntermediaryAgent2Account | Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 2 at its servicing agent in the payment chain. | CashAccount7 - Optional 0..1 |
IntermediaryAgent3 | Agent between the debtor agent and creditor agent. | |
IntermediaryAgent3Account | Unambiguous identification of the account of the intermediary agent 3 at its servicing agent in the payment chain. | CashAccount7 - Optional 0..1 |
UltimateDebtor | Ultimate financial institution that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) institutional creditor. | BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 - Optional 0..1 |
Debtor | Financial institution that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) financial institutional creditor. | BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 - Required 1..1 |
DebtorAccount | Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made as a result of the transaction. | CashAccount7 - Optional 0..1 |
DebtorAgent | Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor. | BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 - Optional 0..1 |
DebtorAgentAccount | Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor agent at its servicing agent in the payment chain. | CashAccount7 - Optional 0..1 |
CreditorAgent | Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor. | BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 - Optional 0..1 |
CreditorAgentAccount | Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor agent at its servicing agent to which a credit entry will be made as a result of the payment transaction. | CashAccount7 - Optional 0..1 |
Creditor | Financial institution that receives an amount of money from the financial institutional debtor. | BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 - Required 1..1 |
CreditorAccount | Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be posted as a result of the payment transaction. | CashAccount7 - Optional 0..1 |
UltimateCreditor | Ultimate financial institution to which an amount of money is due. | BranchAndFinancialInstitutionIdentification3 - Optional 0..1 |
InstructionForCreditorAgent | Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction that may need to be acted upon by the creditor agent. | |
InstructionForNextAgent | Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction that may need to be acted upon by the next agent. | |
RemittanceInformation | Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle. | RemittanceInformation2 - Optional 0..1 |
Extensibility and generalization considerations
To facilitate generalized design patterns in the system, the FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01 implementation follows a specific implementaiton pattern. First of all, FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01 impleemnts IOuterRecord indicating it is the outermost logical part of the message definition. Like all message wrappers, FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01Document implements IOuterDocument. Because FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01 implements IOuterDocument, it is a suitable template parameter for IOuterDocument, and causes the internal ‘Message’ to be of type FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01.
classDiagram class IOuterRecord FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01 --|> IOuterRecord : Implements FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01Document --|> IOuterDocument~FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01~ : Implements class IOuterDocument~FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01~ { FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01 Message }
Document wrapper for serialization
The only real purpose FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01Document serves is to cause the document to be serialized into the ‘urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pacs.009.001.01’ namespace. Therefore, it will probably be the usual practice to build the message and construct this wrapper at the last minute using FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01.ToDocument() method. The returned FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01Document value will serialize correctly according to ISO 20022 standards.
classDiagram FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01Document *-- FinancialInstitutionCreditTransferV01 : Document
Sample of message format
This is an abbreviated version of what the message should look like.
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pacs.009.001.01">
<!-- GroupHeader inner content -->
<!-- CreditTransferTransactionInformation inner content -->
Data from ISO specification
This is the technical data from the specification document.
The FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer message is sent by a debtor financial institution to a creditor financial institution, directly or through other agents and/or a payment clearing and settlement system.
It is used to move funds from a debtor account to a creditor, where both debtor and creditor are financial institutions.
The FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer message is exchanged between agents and can contain one or more credit transfer instructions where debtor and creditor are both financial institutions.
The FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer message does not allow for grouping: a CreditTransferTransactionInformation block must be present for each credit transfer transaction.
The FinancialInstitutionCreditTransfer message can be used in domestic and cross-border scenarios.
definition="If GroupHeader/InstructedAgent is present, then CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InstructedAgent is not allowed."
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered" />
definition="If GroupHeader/InstructingAgent is present, then CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InstructingAgent is not allowed.
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered" />
definition="If GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then all occurrences of CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementAmount must have the same currency as the currency of GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount. 
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered" />
definition="If GroupHeader/TotalInterbankSettlementAmount is present, then it must equal to the sum of all occurrences of CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementAmount."
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered" />
definition="If GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is present, then CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementDate is not allowed. 
If GroupHeader/InterbankSettlementDate is not present, then CreditTransferTransactionInformation/InterbankSettlementDate must be present."
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered" />
definition="If GroupHeader/PaymentTypeInformation is present, then CreditTransferTransactionInformation/PaymentTypeInformation is not allowed."
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered" />
definition="Set of characteristics shared by all individual transactions included in the message."
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
complexType="_Puc7Btp-Ed-ak6NoX_4Aeg_549642778" />
definition="Set of elements providing information specific to the individual credit transfer(s)."
registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
complexType="_TMoSHNp-Ed-ak6NoX_4Aeg_151667435" />
version="01" />
ISO Building Blocks
The following items are used as building blocks to construct this message.