

Scope: This message is sent by a triparty agent after the receipt of a collateral transaction or instruction from the collateral giver or taker to advise that a counterparty has alleged an instruction or a transaction against the account owner’s account at the TPA and that the TPA could not find the corresponding transaction or instruction of the account owner. The allegement is used for initiation, modification and termination.

In this message, the Sender is the triparty agent and the Receiver is either the collateral taker or the collateral giver or their account servicer.

Usage: An account servicer sends a SecuritiesSettlementTransactionAllegementNotification to an account owner to advise the account owner that a counterparty has alleged an instruction against the account owner’s account at the account servicer and that the account servicer could not find the corresponding instruction of the account owner. The account servicer/owner relationship may be:

Message Construction

Every ISO20022 message has at the highest level what we call ‘building blocks’. Because the message is constructed as immutable records, the association is by composition. Below you can see the relationship between the message and its constituent building blocks: For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification

     direction LR
%% TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 recursion level 0 with max 0
TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 *-- "1..1" TransactionIdentifications44 : TransactionInstructionIdentification
TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 *-- "1..1" Pagination1 : Pagination
TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 *-- "1..1" CollateralParameters11 : GeneralParameters
TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 *-- "1..1" CollateralParties8 : CollateralParties
TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 *-- "1..1" DealTransactionDetails6 : DealTransactionDetails
TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 *-- "1..1" CollateralDate2 : DealTransactionDate
TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 *-- "0..1" SecuritiesMovement7 : SecuritiesMovement
TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 *-- "0..1" CashMovement5 : CashMovement
TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 *-- "0..1" SupplementaryData1 : SupplementaryData

Now, we will zero-in one-by-one on each of these building blocks.

TransactionInstructionIdentification building block

Unambiguous identification of the transaction as know by the instructing party.

Provides unambiguous instruction or transaction identification information. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification

   direction tb
%% TransactionIdentifications44 recursion level 0 with max 1
class TransactionIdentifications44{
    TripartyAgentServiceProviderCollateralInstructionIdentification IsoMax35Text
    TripartyAgentServiceProviderCollateralTransactionIdentification IsoMax35Text
    ClientCollateralInstructionIdentification IsoMax35Text
    ClientCollateralTransactionIdentification IsoMax35Text
    CounterpartyCollateralInstructionIdentification IsoMax35Text
    CounterpartyCollateralTransactionIdentification IsoMax35Text
    CommonTransactionIdentification IsoMax52Text

TransactionIdentifications44 members

Member name Description Data Type / Multiplicity
TripartyAgentServiceProviderCollateralInstructionIdentification Reference assigned to the instruction by the triparty-agent/service-provider. IsoMax35Text - Required 1..1
TripartyAgentServiceProviderCollateralTransactionIdentification Unique reference identifying the triparty-agent/service-provider collateral management transaction from the triparty-agent’s/service-provider’s point of view. IsoMax35Text - Optional 0..1
ClientCollateralInstructionIdentification Unique reference identifying the collateral management transaction from the client’s point of view. Identifies the potential match. IsoMax35Text - Optional 0..1
ClientCollateralTransactionIdentification Unique reference identifying the collateral management transaction from the client’s point of view. Present in case of a decrease. IsoMax35Text - Optional 0..1
CounterpartyCollateralInstructionIdentification Unique collateral instruction reference assigned by counterparty. IsoMax35Text - Optional 0..1
CounterpartyCollateralTransactionIdentification Unique collateral transaction reference assigned by counterparty. IsoMax35Text - Optional 0..1
CommonTransactionIdentification Unique identification (UTI) agreed upon by the two trade counterparties to identify the trade. IsoMax52Text - Optional 0..1

Pagination building block

Page number of the message and continuation indicator to indicate that the multi-part preliminary advice is to continue or that the message is the last page of the multi-part preliminary advice. Number used to sequence pages when it is not possible for data to be conveyed in a single message and the data has to be split across several pages (messages). For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification

   direction tb
%% Pagination1 recursion level 0 with max 1
class Pagination1{
    PageNumber IsoMax5NumericText
    LastPageIndicator IsoYesNoIndicator

Pagination1 members

Member name Description Data Type / Multiplicity
PageNumber Page number. IsoMax5NumericText - Required 1..1
LastPageIndicator Indicates the last page. IsoYesNoIndicator - Required 1..1

GeneralParameters building block

Specifies the different parameters of the collateral instruction or transaction.

Parameters which explicitly state the conditions that must be fulfilled before a particular triparty collateral instruction/transaction can be confirmed. These parameters are defined by the instructing party in compliance with triparty collateral rules in the market the instruction/transaction will take place. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification

   direction tb
%% CollateralParameters11 recursion level 0 with max 1
class CollateralParameters11{
    CollateralSide CollateralRole1Code
    TransferTitle IsoYesNoIndicator
CollateralParameters11 *-- "1..1" ICollateralTransactionType1Choice : CollateralInstructionType
CollateralParameters11 *-- "1..1" IExposureType23Choice : ExposureType
CollateralParameters11 *-- "0..1" IRateOrType1Choice : ValueSoughtMarginRate
CollateralParameters11 *-- "0..1" GenericIdentification1 : EligibilitySetProfile
CollateralParameters11 *-- "0..1" GenericIdentification30 : SettlementProcess
%% ICollateralTransactionType1Choice recursion level 1 with max 1
%% IExposureType23Choice recursion level 1 with max 1
%% IRateOrType1Choice recursion level 1 with max 1
%% GenericIdentification1 recursion level 1 with max 1
class GenericIdentification1{
    Identification IsoMax35Text
    SchemeName IsoMax35Text
    Issuer IsoMax35Text
%% GenericIdentification30 recursion level 1 with max 1
class GenericIdentification30{
    Identification IsoExact4AlphaNumericText
    Issuer IsoMax35Text
    SchemeName IsoMax35Text

CollateralParameters11 members

Member name Description Data Type / Multiplicity
CollateralInstructionType Specifies the type of collateral instruction. ICollateralTransactionType1Choice - Required 1..1
ExposureType Specifies the underlying business area/type of trade causing the exposure. IExposureType23Choice - Required 1..1
CollateralSide Specifies whether the alleged side is the collateral taker or giver. So it will be the opposite side of the instruction. CollateralRole1Code - Required 1..1
ValueSoughtMarginRate Percentage by which the collateral value sought is increased, in selecting securities for a collateral basket, to reflect the taker’s margin requirements. IRateOrType1Choice - Optional 0..1
EligibilitySetProfile Number identifying the collateral eligibility set profile of the counterparty. GenericIdentification1 - Optional 0..1
TransferTitle Change of title for the collateral. If N then collateral is pledged. IsoYesNoIndicator - Optional 0..1
SettlementProcess Specifies the settlement process in which the collateral will be settled. GenericIdentification30 - Optional 0..1

CollateralParties building block

Identifies the chain of collateral parties. Party A and B will be the opposite from that provided in the unmatched instruction. Choice of format for the trading capacity. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification

   direction tb
%% CollateralParties8 recursion level 0 with max 1
CollateralParties8 *-- "1..1" PartyIdentificationAndAccount202 : PartyA
CollateralParties8 *-- "0..1" PartyIdentificationAndAccount193 : ClientPartyA
CollateralParties8 *-- "1..1" PartyIdentificationAndAccount203 : PartyB
CollateralParties8 *-- "0..1" PartyIdentificationAndAccount193 : ClientPartyB
CollateralParties8 *-- "0..1" PartyIdentification136 : TripartyAgent
%% PartyIdentificationAndAccount202 recursion level 1 with max 1
class PartyIdentificationAndAccount202{
    LEI IsoLEIIdentifier
PartyIdentificationAndAccount202 *-- "1..1" IPartyIdentification120Choice : Identification
PartyIdentificationAndAccount202 *-- "0..1" AlternatePartyIdentification7 : AlternateIdentification
PartyIdentificationAndAccount202 *-- "0..1" SecuritiesAccount19 : SafekeepingAccount
PartyIdentificationAndAccount202 *-- "0..1" BlockChainAddressWallet3 : BlockChainAddressOrWallet
PartyIdentificationAndAccount202 *-- "0..1" PartyIdentification136 : AccountOwner
PartyIdentificationAndAccount202 *-- "0..1" ITradingPartyCapacity5Choice : PartyCapacity
%% PartyIdentificationAndAccount193 recursion level 1 with max 1
class PartyIdentificationAndAccount193{
    LEI IsoLEIIdentifier
PartyIdentificationAndAccount193 *-- "1..1" IPartyIdentification120Choice : Identification
PartyIdentificationAndAccount193 *-- "0..1" AlternatePartyIdentification7 : AlternateIdentification
%% PartyIdentificationAndAccount203 recursion level 1 with max 1
class PartyIdentificationAndAccount203{
    LEI IsoLEIIdentifier
PartyIdentificationAndAccount203 *-- "1..1" IPartyIdentification120Choice : Identification
PartyIdentificationAndAccount203 *-- "0..1" AlternatePartyIdentification7 : AlternateIdentification
PartyIdentificationAndAccount203 *-- "0..1" SecuritiesAccount19 : SafekeepingAccount
PartyIdentificationAndAccount203 *-- "0..1" BlockChainAddressWallet3 : BlockChainAddressOrWallet
PartyIdentificationAndAccount203 *-- "0..1" ITradingPartyCapacity5Choice : PartyCapacity
%% PartyIdentificationAndAccount193 recursion level 1 with max 1
class PartyIdentificationAndAccount193{
    LEI IsoLEIIdentifier
PartyIdentificationAndAccount193 *-- "1..1" IPartyIdentification120Choice : Identification
PartyIdentificationAndAccount193 *-- "0..1" AlternatePartyIdentification7 : AlternateIdentification
%% PartyIdentification136 recursion level 1 with max 1
class PartyIdentification136{
    LEI IsoLEIIdentifier
PartyIdentification136 *-- "1..1" IPartyIdentification120Choice : Identification

CollateralParties8 members

Member name Description Data Type / Multiplicity
PartyA Instructing party sending the collateral instruction. PartyIdentificationAndAccount202 - Required 1..1
ClientPartyA Party that instructs party A to send the message. PartyIdentificationAndAccount193 - Optional 0..1
PartyB Counterparty of party A. PartyIdentificationAndAccount203 - Required 1..1
ClientPartyB Party that instructs party B to settle the instruction on its behalf. PartyIdentificationAndAccount193 - Optional 0..1
TripartyAgent Party that handles tri-party transactions. PartyIdentification136 - Optional 0..1

DealTransactionDetails building block

Specifies the information related to the deal. Details of the triparty collateral transaction deal. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification

   direction tb
%% DealTransactionDetails6 recursion level 0 with max 1
class DealTransactionDetails6{
    MinimumNoticePeriod IsoExact3NumericText
    Spread IsoPercentageRate
    Payment DeliveryReceiptType2Code
    TerminationOption RepoTerminationOption1Code
DealTransactionDetails6 *-- "1..1" IClosingDate4Choice : ClosingDate
DealTransactionDetails6 *-- "0..1" CollateralAmount12 : DealDetailsAmount
DealTransactionDetails6 *-- "0..1" IRateOrName4Choice : PricingRateAndIndex
DealTransactionDetails6 *-- "0..1" IFrequencyRateFixing1Choice : OvernightFrequencyRateFixing
DealTransactionDetails6 *-- "0..1" IInterestComputationMethodFormat4Choice : DayCountBasis
DealTransactionDetails6 *-- "0..1" IOptionType6Choice : OptionType
%% IClosingDate4Choice recursion level 1 with max 1
%% CollateralAmount12 recursion level 1 with max 1
class CollateralAmount12{
    CompoundSimpleAccrualCalculation CalculationMethod1Code
    InterestPaymentDelay IsoMax3NumericText
CollateralAmount12 *-- "0..1" AmountAndDirection49 : Transaction
CollateralAmount12 *-- "0..1" AmountAndDirection49 : Termination
CollateralAmount12 *-- "0..1" AmountAndDirection49 : Accrued
CollateralAmount12 *-- "0..1" IFrequency38Choice : PaymentFrequency
CollateralAmount12 *-- "0..1" AmountAndDirection49 : ValueSought
%% IRateOrName4Choice recursion level 1 with max 1
%% IFrequencyRateFixing1Choice recursion level 1 with max 1
%% IInterestComputationMethodFormat4Choice recursion level 1 with max 1
%% IOptionType6Choice recursion level 1 with max 1

DealTransactionDetails6 members

Member name Description Data Type / Multiplicity
MinimumNoticePeriod Identifies the number of days in which the cash investor and dealer can agree to revisit the terms of an agreement. IsoExact3NumericText - Optional 0..1
ClosingDate Closing date/time or maturity date/time of the transaction. IClosingDate4Choice - Required 1..1
DealDetailsAmount Specifies the details for the deal amounts. CollateralAmount12 - Optional 0..1
PricingRateAndIndex Interest rate to be paid on the transaction amount as agreed between the counterparties and the tenor of the interest rate index. IRateOrName4Choice - Optional 0..1
OvernightFrequencyRateFixing Indicates for a floating rate transaction if an overnight frequency rate fixing should be applied. If not present, a periodic fixing frequency will be applied (default is N). IFrequencyRateFixing1Choice - Optional 0..1
Spread Margin allowed over or under a given rate. IsoPercentageRate - Optional 0..1
DayCountBasis Specifies the computation method of (accrued) interest of the financial instrument. IInterestComputationMethodFormat4Choice - Optional 0..1
Payment Specifies whether the instruction is free or against payment. DeliveryReceiptType2Code - Optional 0..1
OptionType Specifies whether it is a Call option (right to purchase a specific underlying asset) or a Put option (right to sell a specific underlying asset). IOptionType6Choice - Optional 0..1
TerminationOption Indication whether the counterparties to the transaction have agreed to an evergreen or extendable repo. RepoTerminationOption1Code - Optional 0..1

DealTransactionDate building block

Identifies the dates related to the triparty collateral instruction or transactions.

Dates related to the triparty collateral instruction or transactions.

For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification

   direction tb
%% CollateralDate2 recursion level 0 with max 1
class CollateralDate2{
    TradeDate IsoISODate
    SettlementDate IsoISODate
CollateralDate2 *-- "0..1" IDateAndDateTime2Choice : RequestedExecutionDate
%% IDateAndDateTime2Choice recursion level 1 with max 1

CollateralDate2 members

Member name Description Data Type / Multiplicity
TradeDate Date the transaction was agreed between the trading parties. IsoISODate - Optional 0..1
RequestedExecutionDate Date/time at which the instructing party requests the instruction to be executed. IDateAndDateTime2Choice - Optional 0..1
SettlementDate Date on which the financial instruments are to be delivered or received. IsoISODate - Optional 0..1

SecuritiesMovement building block

Securities movements.

Movements of securities. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification

   direction tb
%% SecuritiesMovement7 recursion level 0 with max 1
class SecuritiesMovement7{
    SecuritiesMovementType CollateralEntryType1Code
    CollateralMovement IsoYesNoIndicator
    ClientSecuritiesMovementIdentification IsoMax35Text
    TripartyAgentServiceProviderSecuritiesMovementIdentification IsoMax35Text
SecuritiesMovement7 *-- "1..1" SecurityIdentification19 : FinancialInstrumentIdentification
SecuritiesMovement7 *-- "1..1" IFinancialInstrumentQuantity33Choice : Quantity
%% SecurityIdentification19 recursion level 1 with max 1
class SecurityIdentification19{
    ISIN IsoISINOct2015Identifier
    Description IsoMax140Text
SecurityIdentification19 *-- "0..0" OtherIdentification1 : OtherIdentification
%% IFinancialInstrumentQuantity33Choice recursion level 1 with max 1

SecuritiesMovement7 members

Member name Description Data Type / Multiplicity
SecuritiesMovementType Specifies whether the quantity of financial instrument is to be delivered or received. CollateralEntryType1Code - Required 1..1
FinancialInstrumentIdentification Financial instrument representing a sum of rights of the investor vis-a-vis the issuer. SecurityIdentification19 - Required 1..1
Quantity Quantity of financial instrument. IFinancialInstrumentQuantity33Choice - Required 1..1
CollateralMovement Indicates whether the financial instrument is delivered/received as collateral or as a loan. IsoYesNoIndicator - Required 1..1
ClientSecuritiesMovementIdentification Reference assigned by the party A to the financial instrument movement. IsoMax35Text - Optional 0..1
TripartyAgentServiceProviderSecuritiesMovementIdentification Reference assigned by the triparty agent to the financial instrument movement. IsoMax35Text - Optional 0..1

CashMovement building block

Cash movements.

Movements of cash. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification

   direction tb
%% CashMovement5 recursion level 0 with max 1
class CashMovement5{
    CashMovement CollateralEntryType1Code
    CashAmount IsoActiveCurrencyAndAmount
    CollateralMovement IsoYesNoIndicator
    ClientCashMovementIdentification IsoMax35Text
    TripartyAgentServiceProviderCashMovementIdentification IsoMax35Text

CashMovement5 members

Member name Description Data Type / Multiplicity
CashMovement Specifies whether the cash amount is to be delivered or received. CollateralEntryType1Code - Required 1..1
CashAmount Amount of the cash movement IsoActiveCurrencyAndAmount - Required 1..1
CollateralMovement Specifies whether the amount is delivered/received as part of collateral or not. IsoYesNoIndicator - Required 1..1
ClientCashMovementIdentification Reference assigned by party A to the cash movement. IsoMax35Text - Optional 0..1
TripartyAgentServiceProviderCashMovementIdentification Reference assigned by the triparty agent to the cash movement. IsoMax35Text - Optional 0..1

SupplementaryData building block

Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other specific block. Additional information that can not be captured in the structured fields and/or any other specific block. For comparison, see the ISO20022 official specification

   direction tb
%% SupplementaryData1 recursion level 0 with max 1
class SupplementaryData1{
    PlaceAndName IsoMax350Text
SupplementaryData1 *-- "1..1" IsoSupplementaryDataEnvelope1 : Envelope
%% IsoSupplementaryDataEnvelope1 recursion level 1 with max 1

SupplementaryData1 members

Member name Description Data Type / Multiplicity
PlaceAndName Unambiguous reference to the location where the supplementary data must be inserted in the message instance. In the case of XML, this is expressed by a valid XPath. IsoMax350Text - Optional 0..1
Envelope Technical element wrapping the supplementary data. IsoSupplementaryDataEnvelope1 - Required 1..1

Extensibility and generalization considerations

To facilitate generalized design patterns in the system, the TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 implementation follows a specific implementaiton pattern. First of all, TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 impleemnts IOuterRecord indicating it is the outermost logical part of the message definition. Like all message wrappers, TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01Document implements IOuterDocument. Because TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 implements IOuterDocument, it is a suitable template parameter for IOuterDocument, and causes the internal ‘Message’ to be of type TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01.

    class IOuterRecord
    TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 --|> IOuterRecord : Implements
    TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01Document --|> IOuterDocument~TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01~ : Implements
    class IOuterDocument~TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01~ {
        TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 Message

Document wrapper for serialization

The only real purpose TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01Document serves is to cause the document to be serialized into the ‘urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:colr.021.001.01’ namespace. Therefore, it will probably be the usual practice to build the message and construct this wrapper at the last minute using TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01.ToDocument() method. The returned TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01Document value will serialize correctly according to ISO 20022 standards.

    TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01Document *-- TripartyCollateralAllegementNotificationV01 : Document

Sample of message format

This is an abbreviated version of what the message should look like.

<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:colr.021.001.01">
            <!-- TransactionInstructionIdentification inner content -->
            <!-- Pagination inner content -->
            <!-- GeneralParameters inner content -->
            <!-- CollateralParties inner content -->
            <!-- DealTransactionDetails inner content -->
            <!-- DealTransactionDate inner content -->
            <!-- SecuritiesMovement inner content -->
            <!-- CashMovement inner content -->
            <!-- SupplementaryData inner content -->

Data from ISO specification

This is the technical data from the specification document.

  definition="Scope:&#xD;&#xA;This message is sent by a triparty agent after the receipt of a collateral transaction or instruction from the collateral giver or taker to advise  that a counterparty has alleged an instruction or a transaction against the account owner's account at the TPA and that the TPA could not find the corresponding transaction or instruction of the account owner.&#xD;&#xA;The allegement is used for initiation, modification and termination.&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;In this message, the Sender is the triparty agent and the Receiver is either the collateral taker or the collateral giver or their account servicer.&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Usage:&#xD;&#xA;An account servicer sends a SecuritiesSettlementTransactionAllegementNotification to an account owner to advise the account owner that a counterparty has alleged an instruction against the account owner's account at the account servicer and that the account servicer could not find the corresponding instruction of the account owner.&#xD;&#xA;The account servicer/owner relationship may be:&#xD;&#xA;- a central securities depository or another settlement market infrastructure acting on behalf of their participants&#xD;&#xA;- an agent (sub-custodian) acting on behalf of their global custodian customer, or&#xD;&#xA;- a custodian acting on behalf of an investment management institution or a broker/dealer."
    definition="Unambiguous identification of the transaction as know by the instructing party.&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;"
    registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
    complexType="_UJ6-h-OPEem5PtD3jXNVeQ" />
    definition="Page number of the message and continuation indicator to indicate that the multi-part preliminary advice is to continue or that the message is the last page of the multi-part preliminary advice."
    registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
    complexType="_xhMHQa6XEees_ufOy2ci-g" />
    definition="Specifies the different parameters of the collateral instruction or transaction.&#xD;&#xA;"
    registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
    complexType="_LgF2lSs9EeySlt9bF77XfA" />
    definition="Identifies the chain of collateral parties. Party A and B will be the opposite  from that provided in the unmatched instruction."
    registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
    complexType="_XXfF4Ss-EeySlt9bF77XfA" />
    definition="Specifies the information related to the deal."
    registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
    complexType="_lpi_4RIcEeyLzJfz3xPQNA" />
    definition="Identifies the dates related to the triparty collateral instruction or transactions.&#xD;&#xA;"
    registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
    complexType="_qxz5MRInEeyZaPkaPAzTvQ" />
    definition="Securities movements.&#xD;&#xA;"
    registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
    complexType="_9t61QSs-EeySlt9bF77XfA" />
    definition="Cash movements.&#xD;&#xA;"
    registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
    complexType="_1ahuN5a-EeuPNt5jNVou1A" />
    definition="Additional information that cannot be captured in the structured elements and/or any other specific block."
    registrationStatus="Provisionally Registered"
    complexType="_Qn0zC9p-Ed-ak6NoX_4Aeg_468227563" />
    version="01" />

ISO Building Blocks

The following items are used as building blocks to construct this message.