Acceptor to Acquirer Card Transaction - Latest version - master

CAAA Attributes

Attribute Value
Abbreviation for this business area caaa
Registration Status Registered

Data from ISO specification

This is the technical data from the specification document.

  name="Acceptor to Acquirer Card Transaction - Latest version - master"
  definition="Messages that support any card payment related transactions and services between a card acceptor and a card transaction acquirer. It includes the authorisation, cancellation and capture of card transactions."
  xmlns:p1="" />


The AcceptorAuthorisationRequest message is sent by an acceptor (or its agent) to the acquirer (or its agent), to check with the issuer (or its agent) that the account associated to the card has the resources to fund the payment.


The AcceptorAuthorisationRequest message is sent by an acceptor (or its agent) to the acquirer (or its agent), to check with the issuer (or its agent) that the account associated to the card has the resources to fund the payment.


The AcceptorAuthorisationResponse message is sent by the acquirer (or its agent) to an acceptor (or its agent), to return the result of the validation made by issuer about the payment transaction.


The AcceptorAuthorisationResponse message is sent by the acquirer (or its agent) to an acceptor (or its agent), to return the result of the validation made by issuer about the payment transaction.


The AcceptorBatchTransferResponse is sent by the acquirer (or its agent) to inform the acceptor (or its agent) of the transfer in a previous AcceptorBatchTransfer of a collection of transactions.


The AcceptorBatchTransferResponse is sent by the acquirer (or its agent) to inform the acceptor (or its agent) of the transfer in a previous AcceptorBatchTransfer of a collection of transactions.


The AcceptorBatchTransfer is sent by an acceptor (or its agent) to transfer the financial data of a collection of transactions to the acquirer (or its agent).


The AcceptorBatchTransfer is sent by an acceptor (or its agent) to transfer the financial data of a collection of transactions to the acquirer (or its agent).


The AcceptorCancellationAdviceResponse message is sent by the acquirer (or its agent) to acknowledge the acceptor (or its agent) about the notification of the payment cancellation.


The AcceptorCancellationAdviceResponse message is sent by the acquirer (or its agent) to acknowledge the acceptor (or its agent) about the notification of the payment cancellation.


The AcceptorCancellationAdvice message is sent by an acceptor (or its agent) to notify the acquirer (or its agent) of the cancellation of a successfully completed transaction.


The AcceptorCancellationAdvice message is sent by an acceptor (or its agent) to notify the acquirer (or its agent) of the cancellation of a successfully completed transaction.


The AcceptorCancellationRequest message is sent by an acceptor (or its agent) to the acquirer (or its agent), to request the cancellation of a successfully completed transaction.


The AcceptorCancellationRequest message is sent by an acceptor (or its agent) to the acquirer (or its agent), to request the cancellation of a successfully completed transaction.


The AcceptorCancellationResponse message is sent by the acquirer (or its agent) to an acceptor (or its agent), to return the outcome of the cancellation request.


The AcceptorCancellationResponse message is sent by the acquirer (or its agent) to an acceptor (or its agent), to return the outcome of the cancellation request.


The AcceptorCompletionAdviceResponse message is sent by the acquirer (or its agent) to acknowledge the acceptor (or its agent) of the outcome of the payment transaction, and the transfer the financial data of the transaction contained in the completion advice.


The AcceptorCompletionAdviceResponse message is sent by the acquirer (or its agent) to acknowledge the acceptor (or its agent) of the outcome of the payment transaction, and the transfer the financial data of the transaction contained in the completion advice.


The AcceptorCompletionAdvice message is sent by an acceptor (or its agent) to notify the acquirer (or its agent) of the outcome of the payment at the acceptor, and to transfer the financial data of the transaction to the acquirer (capture).


The AcceptorCompletionAdvice message is sent by an acceptor (or its agent) to notify the acquirer (or its agent) of the outcome of the payment at the acceptor, and to transfer the financial data of the transaction to the acquirer (capture).


The AcceptorCurrencyConversionAdviceResponse message is sent by the service provider to acknowledge the acceptor about the notification of the reception of the currency conversion advice.


The AcceptorCurrencyConversionAdviceResponse message is sent by the service provider to acknowledge the acceptor about the notification of the reception of the currency conversion advice.


The AcceptorCurrencyConversionAdvice message is sent by the card acceptor to inform the currency conversion service provider of the outcome of the card currency conversion.


The AcceptorCurrencyConversionAdvice message is sent by the card acceptor to inform the currency conversion service provider of the outcome of the card currency conversion.


The AcceptorCurrencyConversionRequest message is sent by the card acceptor to the currency conversion service provider to request if the cardholder is able to pay in the currency of its card.


The AcceptorCurrencyConversionRequest message is sent by the card acceptor to the currency conversion service provider to request if the cardholder is able to pay in the currency of its card.


The AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse message is sent by currency conversion service provider to the card acceptor to return the result of a potential currency conversion for the cardholder.


The AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse message is sent by currency conversion service provider to the card acceptor to return the result of a potential currency conversion for the cardholder.


The AcceptorDiagnosticRequest message is sent by an acceptor (or its agent) to the acquirer (or its agent), to check the end-to-end communication, to test the availability of this acquirer, or to validate the security environment.


The AcceptorDiagnosticRequest message is sent by an acceptor (or its agent) to the acquirer (or its agent), to check the end-to-end communication, to test the availability of this acquirer, or to validate the security environment.


The AcceptorDiagnosticResponse message is sent by the acquirer (or its agent) to provide to the acceptor the result of the diagnostic request.


The AcceptorDiagnosticResponse message is sent by the acquirer (or its agent) to provide to the acceptor the result of the diagnostic request.


The AcceptorNonFinancialRequest message is sent by the POI to receive additional information from the Acquirer (or its agent).


The AcceptorNonFinancialRequest message is sent by the POI to receive additional information from the Acquirer (or its agent).


The AcceptorNonFinancialResponse message is sent by the Acquirer (or its Agent) to the POI to provide addintional information.


The AcceptorNonFinancialResponse message is sent by the Acquirer (or its Agent) to the POI to provide addintional information.


The AcceptorReconciliationRequest message is sent by an acceptor (or its agent) to the acquirer (or its agent), to ensure that the debits and credits performed by the acceptor matches the computed balances of the acquirer for the debits and credits performed during the same reconciliation period.


The AcceptorReconciliationRequest message is sent by an acceptor (or its agent) to the acquirer (or its agent), to ensure that the debits and credits performed by the acceptor matches the computed balances of the acquirer for the debits and credits performed during the same reconciliation period.


The AcceptorReconciliationResponse message is sent by the acquirer (or its agent) to an acceptor (or its agent), to ensure that the debits and credits performed by the acceptor matches the computed balances of the acquirer for the debits and credits performed during the same reconciliation period.


The AcceptorReconciliationResponse message is sent by the acquirer (or its agent) to an acceptor (or its agent), to ensure that the debits and credits performed by the acceptor matches the computed balances of the acquirer for the debits and credits performed during the same reconciliation period.


The AcceptorRejection message is sent by the acquirer (or its agent) to reject a message request or advice sent by an acceptor (or its agent), to indicate that the received message could not be processed.


The TransactionAdviceResponse message is sent by the POI to acknowledge the Acquirer (or its agent) about the notification of the transaction advice.


The TransactionAdviceResponse message is sent by the POI to acknowledge the Acquirer (or its agent) about the notification of the transaction advice.


The TransactionAdvice message is sent by the Acquirer (or Agent) to provide to the POI the outcome of a transaction processed outside of this protocol.


The TransactionAdvice message is sent by the Acquirer (or Agent) to provide to the POI the outcome of a transaction processed outside of this protocol.