ISO 20022 Roles Summary

Role Name Description
OrderGiver Firm which instructs an order, also known as the ordering firm or orderer
Trustee Individual or institution who holds or manages assets for the benefit of another
AffirmingParty Party which affirms the trade
ExecutingBroker Financial institution that partners with the investment manager to communicate details, execute modifications and settle financial instrument transactions
InstitutionalInvestor Pension funds, mutual funds, money managers, insurance company, investment banks, commercial trusts, endowment funds, hedge funds, accountable for high volumes of trades, moving large blocks of shares on the stock market’s movements
PrimeBroker Financial insitution that acts as settlement agent, provides custody for assets, provides financing for leverage, and prepares daily account statements for its clients, who are money managers, hedge funds, market makers, arbitrageurs, specialists and other professional investors
Underwriter Company or other entity that administers the public issuance and distribution of securities from a corporation or other issuing body
CentralMatchingUtility Mediates communication between the broker/dealer and investment manager to exchange trade details, match settlement criteria and confirm completion of financial instrument transactions
NonClearingMember Party (an exchange member firm) that chooses not to clear transactions, and uses/subcontracts a general clearing member to access the central counterparty ’s services
ClearingMember Party that is a member of a clearing house
MasterTerminalManager Party which is responsible for the point of interaction (POI), and has the control of the access rights
TerminalManager Party which is responsible for one security domain of the point of interaction (POI) application
Buyer Party which acquires, or agrees to acquire, ownership (in case of goods), or benefit or usage (in case of services), in exchange for money or other consideration under a contract of sale
BuyersBank Financial institution that holds the buyer’s account
Seller Entity that makes, or offers or contracts to make, a sale to an actual or potential buyer
SellersBank Financial institution that holds the seller’s account
Acquirer Party in contractual relation with merchants and card schemes accepting payments, that acquires card payment from the merchant, forwards the transaction to the relevant card issuer, and makes payments to the merchant
CardAcceptor Party accepting the card and presenting transaction data to the acquirer
Cardholder Party who presents the card to the merchant for provision of goods or services
Merchant Party who provides goods or services at one or several sites (physical or virtual)
CreditorAgent Financial institution servicing an account for the Creditor
CreditorSendingParty Party initiating the payment request to an agent
DebtorAgent Financial institution servicing an account for the Debtor
DebtorReceivingParty The Debtor himself or a party receiving the Creditor Payment Activation Request on behalf of the Debtor
CollateralGiver Entity that is associated with the collateral agreement and that will deliver collateral to secure an obligation vis-à-vis the other party (the collateral taker)
CollateralTaker Entity that is associated with the collateral agreement and that will receive collateral from the other party (the collateral giver)
SettlementAgent Party that provides settlement, custody, and accounting services for its own, or someone else’s, assets
GlobalSettlementAgent Party that holds another party’s inventory of financial instruments, and effects or receives deliveries versus payment, or free of payment
LocalSettlementAgent Party that holds a portion of another party’s inventory of financial instruments within a location or market, effects or receives local deliveries versus payment, or free of payment, as directed by the global settlement agent
InterestedAgent Party that receives information from other parties about transactions that are being processed, and performs functions such as regulatory oversight and accounting
Regulator Government agency, or a self-regulated body, that sets the rules for the regulation of the market, as well as the relationship between the different parties in the market
Investor Party, either an individual or organisation, whose assets are being invested
MarketMaker Party that makes a market in one or more specific instruments
TradingParty Party that plays an active role in planning and executing the transactions that create or liquidate investments of the investors assets, or that move the investor’s assets from one investment to another
InvestmentDecisionMaker Individual investor that makes its own investment decision, a financial analyst that advises the investor, or a portfolio manager that has received the investor’s cash to be invested
TradeInstructor Party that decides upon one or more specific trades to follow the investment decision maker’s strategy
PostTradeAdministrator Party ensuring thatall the details of the trade have been collected and reported, as required to all parties involved in the trade transaction including counterparties, the investor, and settlement parties
Trader Party that interacts with counterparties in the context of a market (that is, an exchange, network, or over-the-counter network), to execute trades
Infrastructure Party that provides, through common membership, services to create a fair and open process for the execution of transactions between trading parties, and the creation of settlement obligations
ConfirmationParty Infrastructure that issues trade confirmations, receives trade affirmations, matches allocations to confirmations and confirmations to instructions, and generates standing or special instructions to create settlement instructions
CentralCounterparty Infrastructure that is very often a component of a clearinghouse, and facilitates clearing and settlement for its members by standing between the buyer and the seller of a trade
CentralSecuritiesDepository Infrastructure that, holds or controls, the holding of physical or dematerialised financial instruments belonging to all, or a large portion of, the investors in a securities market
SystemTransactionAdministrator In a central system, the entity or neutral body, in charge of providing services to the system’s members
ThirdParty Party that is a customer of either a direct or indirect system member
SystemMember Party that is entitled to make full or partial use of the system transaction administrator, to make it perform business processes on its behalf
SystemDirectMember Party that is a member, and granted full access to the functions of the system transaction administrator
SystemIndirectMember Party that is sponsored by a direct member, and has limited access to the system transaction administrator functions
Agent Party that acts on behalf, or upon request, of another party
AgreementParty Party involved in a - usually commercial (buying, selling, acquiring, providing products or services) - relationship, which materialises in an agreement with a counterparty
InitiatingParty Party initiating the payment to an agent
DebitParty Party that gives cash
CreditParty Party that receives the cash
PaymentClearingAgent Agent that instructs the next party in the payment chain to carry out the payment
PaymentSettlementAgent Agent that executes the cash transfer upon the request of either an agreement party, or a clearing agent
FinalAgent Financial institution that receives the payment transaction on behalf of an account owner, or other nominated party, and credits the account
FirstAgent Financial institution that receives the payment transaction from the account owner, or other authorised party, and processes the instruction
ForwardingAgent Party that receives the payment instruction from the originator and forwards it to the first agent in the payment chain
Creditor Party that receives an amount of money from the debtor
Debtor Party that owes an amount of money to the creditor
FinalParty Party that is the ultimate beneficiary of the credit transfer
OriginatingParty Party that owes an amount of money to the creditor, eg, for the receipt of goods and services
TransferAgent Party appointed by the Fund Management Company
Intermediary Party that provides services to investors relating to financial products
Custodian Party that safekeeps and administers assets on behalf of the owner
PayingAgent Agent that executes the payment
FundAccountant Party that keeps accounting records of the available assets and liabilities of the Fund
InvestmentManager Party that implements the investment strategy, ie, selects portfolio investments in accordance with the objectives and strategy in the fund’s prospectus, and places orders to effect or liquidate selected investments in accordance with net flow of capital into or out of the fund
FundManagementCompany Party that sets up the Fund, decides the investment strategy, appoints the agents, and is responsible for the promotion and the marketing of the Fund
Registrar Party that is responsible for keeping track of the owners of securities
CashCorrespondent Financial institution that executes cash transfers on behalf of its clients
DataProvider Party that is a source of financial information
TreasurySettlementParty Party which settles a deal through its own accounts without being party to that deal, for example, custodians, settlement systems
BuySideParty Individual or institution, that purchases or sells financial instruments, for its own account, or on behalf of an investor
RedistributorAgent Institution that receives and redistributes certain business information, for example, quote or order details, or facilitating trading
SellSideParty Broker that sells its services (for example, research, analysis and recommendation), to buy-side parties
Invoicee Party identified in a commercial invoice as the liable party
Invoicer Party identified as the issuer of an invoice on the face of a commercial invoice
AccountOwner Party that legally owns the account
AccountServicer Party that manages the account on behalf of the account owner, ie, manages the registration and booking of entries on the account, calculates balances on the account and provides information about the account
CaseAssignee Party which is assigned an investigation case
CaseAssigner Party assigning an investigation case
InvestigationManager Party involved in investigations management
Facilitator Party that forwards meeting information and meeting results to the Investor, checks position with the Custodian and collects voting instructions from the Investor and forwards to the next
ProxyVotingInitiator Party that is responsible for making meeting information available to the market, collecting the votes and publishing the meeting results
ProxyInformationProvider Intermediary in the Proxy voting chain that forwards and makes information available that was received/collected from the Proxy Initiator
CustodyServiceProvider Party that provides custody services for shares affected by proxy voting, that is, share blocking and unblocking, share registration, position keeping, securities lending services
LocalMarketIntermediary Intermediary in the proxy voting chain that is active in the same market as where the shares are safekept
VotingParty Party that issues voting instructions instructions
Investigator Party, physical person or legal entity that starts or follows-up an investigation case
CorporateInvestigator Party, physical person or legal entity that starts or follows-up an investigation case within a corporate
FinancialInvestigator Party, physical person or legal entity that starts or follows-up an investigation case within a financial institution
CentralSettlementSystem System which provides cash settlement for trades submitted by its members
SettlementMember Party which is member of a cash settlement system and which submits trades to be settled between members
ReportingInstitution Organisation that is legally responsible for reporting securities trade transactions to a regulator or a competent authority
FinancialInstitutionApplication Messaging application used by a financial institution
CSDParticipant Account holder in a Central Securities Depository
InternationalCentralSecuritiesDepository Party which holds and administers securities for example, Eurobonds or other financial assets, holds issuance accounts and enables transactions to be processed by book entry
Issuer Entity which is obligated on a security or other financial instrument
IssuerAgent Organisation appointed by the issuer for the purposes of administration of a security issue or processing of a corporate action or a meeting event
NationalCentralBank Principal monetary authority of a nation, a central bank performs several key functions, including issuing currency and regulating the supply of credit in the economy
StockExchange Corporation or mutual organization which provides the facilities for stock brokers to trade company stocks and other financial instruments in the secondary market